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life table life table = mortality table...

life zone

Based on the full prediction of beijing ' s future population trends , this paper forecasts , using education life table , various indices of beijing ' s future education at different levels , such as gross enrollment rate and combines the result of population prediction to predict beijing ' s education demand at different levels 摘要文章在對北京市未來人口趨勢作充分預測的基礎上,采用教育生命表技術估計北京市未來各級教育毛入學率等指標,結合人口預測結果預測未來北京市各級教育的需求。

The research can offer some important references to the population ecology of endangerous plant , too . based on the dates of two different circumstances , two standard life tables of form . taais chinensis var . mcarei population are founded by mathematical technique according to premising with “ space deducing time “ , and the curves of survival rate , mortality rate and killing power were drew . the results showed both of the survival curves of population appeared to be a type of deevey - iii and the high mortality of seeding is one of the important reasons which caused taxus chinensis var . mairei to be endangered , which badly limited the enlargement of form . taxus chinensis var . mcarei population 由于南方紅豆杉無解析木,因而以“空間推時間” 、 “橫向導縱向”方法,將林林依胸徑大小分級,以立木級結構代表年齡結構,采用分段勻滑技術,對兩個不同生境的南方紅豆杉種群編制特定時間生命表,繪制存活曲線,結果表明不同生境的南方紅豆杉種群的存活曲線均趨于deevey -型,兩地差異較小,幼苗死亡率極高,不同生境的幼苗死亡率均達到96以上。

This study deals with butterfly diversity and assessing endangered species in natural reserve of baishuijiang in gansu province . the research includes field investigation , observation at certain time and places , captive breeding in experimental area , capture - recapture etc . the biology of four important butterfly species is studied , especially focusing on the natural population life table , habitats , population structure and mobility of byasa impediens . the population developing trend and key factor that result population decline and fluctuation of troides aeacus and byasa impediens are analysed 本文在甘肅白水江自然保護區碧峰溝通過野外調查、定點定時觀察、實驗地飼養、標記重捕等方法研究了碧峰溝的蝶類多樣性并進行了局部瀕危評估;研究了四種重要蝶類的生物學特性;對長尾麝鳳蝶的生境、自然種群生命表、種群結構、種群移動性進行了深入研究,并估測了各種種群參數,分析了種群發展趨勢。

This thesis primarily make use of the data whole nation and cent province area often - live population which about divided - age population and the data which about cent - age death population before the census date in 12 months on the province area of the fifth census in china in 2000 , and draw up the summary life tables of respective province area , on the base of these tablees , crudely analyse thoses difference of the death - level between cent province area often - live population 本論文主要利用2000年中國第五次人口普查全國及分省區常住的分年齡人口數據與普查前12個月內的分年齡死亡人口數據,編制全國及分省區簡略生命表,在此基礎上對2000年中國分省區死亡水平差異進行初步分析。

Base on the data collected from the field investigations , we analyzed the static life table , age structure , spatial distribution patterns of the populations of e . chloranthoides . we further studied the intraspecific competitions within the species and the interspecific competitions between the species and other concomitant species in the communities . with the helps of the logistic equation , leslie ' s matrix and the average moving law method we simulated and estimated the population dynamics of this endangered plant species 本研究以縉云衛矛為研究對象,通過對三個種群的野外調查,研究和分析了縉云衛矛的種群年齡結構、種群空間分布格局及種內和種間的競爭關系,并利用logistic方程、 leslie矩陣及移動平均法模擬和預測了三個種群的數量和結構動態,在此基礎上分析了造成縉云衛矛瀕危的原因,提出了相應的保護措施,旨在為縉云衛矛的保護提供理論依據。

Through cultivating the cochineal in 4 counties which belonging to tropical , south sub - tropical and mid sub - tropical zones , the life tables of the cochineal in each county are established and the survival percentage of each stage as well as the key factor of death in each climate type is studied . in the meantime , the sample of the cochineal of each county is collected to test the size , eggs and weight , through comparing these biological index , the best zones , better zones and other zones for cultivation of the cochineal are pointed out . on the basis of above study , the zones for cultivating the cochineal are marked out in yunnan province 在云南熱帶、南亞熱帶、中亞熱帶三個氣候類型下的4個縣(市)放養胭脂蟲,應用生命表技術,研究各氣候類型下胭脂蟲的存活情況并分析出各氣候類型下胭脂蟲的主要致死因子,同時,采集各地培育的胭脂蟲樣品測定蟲體大小、懷卵量及重量,通過比較這些生物學指標,得出胭脂蟲的最適生區、次適生區及適生區,并以此為依據,對云南省胭脂蟲的培育進行了區劃。

With cohort analysis and a constructed residence life table , the paper depicts the process of floating population ' s gradual precipitation and concludes that the longer migrants are living in the city , the bigger the probability for their long term residence is , and the longer their remaining expectant residence years are as well 研究發現,外來人口在城市中“不斷沉淀” 、累積地沉淀,居留時間越長繼續長期居留的概率越高,居留時間越長繼續預期居留時間越長。

In this paper , the resistance of sweet corn varieties to asian corn borer ( acb ) ( ostrinia nubilalis ) were evaluated by means of host experimental population life table and natural population life table ; the order of their resistibility is as follows : s2 > y3 > h1 > y1 > c20 摘要利用亞洲玉米螟實驗種群生命表和自然種群生命表方法評價甜玉米品種對亞洲玉米螟的抗蟲性,結果得出亞洲玉米螟對不同甜玉米品種的抗性大小依次為:穗甜2號>奧甜2號>華1 >奧甜1號>超甜20 。

According to the retirement pension balance model based on the national life tables , the retirement paper analyzes relative factors affecting the retirement pension balance on the background of the new policies 摘要根據《全國人口生命表》和2005年頒發的《國務院關于完善企業職工基本養老保險制度的決定》 ,建立了養老保險基金收支平衡模型,分析了在新政策的背景下,各相關因素對基金收支平衡的影響。

For the life table calculations , we used hazard ratios for 3 transitions ( healthy to death , healthy to cvd , and cvd to death ) , stratifying by the presence of diabetes at baseline and adjusting for age and confounders 在計算生命表格過程中,我們用風險比來表示三個轉變(健康到死亡、健康到發生心血管疾病、心血管疾病到死亡) ,以糖尿病的存在作為分層基線,并根據年齡和干擾因素進行調整。

At the same time , the age structure , time - specific life table , survivorship curve , fecundity schedule and leslie matrix were obtained through ana1ysing the demography and age struct ' ures of each subpopulation 對種群年齡結構研究中,編制了種群靜態生命表、生殖力表,利用建立的矩陣模型預測了種群數量的動態趨勢,并進行了環境篩的分析,推斷了種群致危因素。

This thesis applies the method of survival in statistics to establish the brand survival model and brand life table and conduct the research to survival and death conditions of some industry brands group 本文運用統計學中生存分析方法,建立了品牌生存模型,構造了品牌生命表。

Studies on parameters experiment population life table to analyze factors causing outbreaks of pest mites in moso bamboo forests 從實驗種群生命表的參數分析毛竹害螨暴發成災的成因

Life table method 生命表法

Complete life table 完全壽命表

Life tables of the banana pseudostem weevil , odoiporus longicollis population in laboratory 香蕉假莖象甲實驗種群生命表的組建

Evaluation of sullivan method and increment - decrement life table method for health expectancy 方法和增減壽命表方法的評價

Bionomics of perissopneumon xyliae and life tables of its natural population 云龜履碩蚧的生物學及其自然種群生命表

Life table of natural bemisia tabaci population on cucumber plants in 不同季節黃瓜上煙粉虱自然種群生命表研究